Un phare dans l'océan

Marc Couturier va en Allemagne et relance Hope en Europe

Marc Couturier était arrivé incognito à Berlin où il y avait un grand rassemblement pour une brocante. Des milliers de personnes se promenaient entre les stands quand soudain, la voix de la radio fut remplacée par une voix à l’accent français. Marc Couturier avait prit le contrôle de la sono et s’était mis à parler :
- As Kennedy, Ich bin ein Berliner. My friends, I don’t speak German but I know that you all understand English. I’m Marc Couturier from Hope and I’m among you today to ask you a favor and to give you back your dignity. As you know your government was afraid by terrorists’ attacks and it postponed the creation of two Hopian’s cities on your territory. By doing that, it shows to the world that Germans are coward and selfish. You are a great nation, a strong and respectful opponent for many years to French peoples. Who are you now?
Marc attaqua ensuite la partie la plus provocatrice de son discours.
- You were able to build big camps to kill people. I am sure you’ll be able to do so but to save people. Look forward. Nobody can change the past. What you did is done for ever but we have to learn and if possible to do good things not to look for forgiveness but to look for humanity, warmness, reconciliation. It’s time to turn a page and to do great things. To tell the truth what you did to Jews, I would probably have done the same in the 1940 because who created the concept of race if it is not the Jews? That
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